Thursday, 9 October 2008

ASHLEY WOOD - Les Mort 13

Ash les Mort 13 is really nice with the coat and the hat on, to be really honest i didn't succeed to tell you what i feel when i saw this figure, in one hand the concept is really nice and in the other hand i find the fabric from how to work less shocking than the Nom one :s i expected something more stuning from them.

the point is that after the nom de Plume and before the noir Nom from Three Zero it coulb be Hard to Set the stage on fire. It don't have to Blush in front of the Nom.

I really enjoye to take some pics of course i will take some more for shure but i am in beetween to just let it go or to keep it. i still don't know.

Don't be afraid or hungry hahahaha the figure is not so bad.

the Good point of it is that it gives a unconfortable feeling that is a really really good point, a feeling that a toy never gives me before.

just a cold and a nice representation of the death
that's why i got it.

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